Dos and Don’ts of Kitchen Flooring

HomeBlogDos and Don’ts of Kitchen Flooring

Dos and Don’ts of Kitchen FlooringIf there’s one area of the house where a durable floor is essential, it’s the kitchen. Your kitchen is the beating heart of your home, but it’s also one of the places most prone to spills and stains. To keep your kitchen cozy, comfortable, and in good condition, it’s important to keep a few “Dos and Don’ts” in mind when it comes to choosing your kitchen flooring.


  • Think about the style of your kitchen. Your kitchen flooring isn’t just “there.” It’s part of the overall mood of the space. What colors are in your kitchen? What would complement your overall aesthetic goals? Choose a kitchen flooring option that will help you reach them, rather than work against your ideal look.
  • Explore unexpected options. While you might have your heart set on classic linoleum or wood, these are far from the only possibilities. Cork flooring is flame and microbe resistant, and it is also springy and comfortable to stand on, making it an excellent choice for kitchen flooring.


  • Use carpeting in your kitchen. Although after being on your feet for a while at the stove or sink, you may be thinking longingly of the soft, cushiony carpet in your living room, you should never use carpet as your kitchen flooring. Because carpet fibers can hold moisture and are difficult to clean, they aren’t the best choice for your kitchen, where spills are frequent, and cleanliness is a must.
  • DIY floor installation. Home remodeling can be expensive, and you may be tempted to try to save money by doing it yourself. But while there are plenty of opportunities for DIY projects in decorating, when it comes to installing your kitchen flooring, you should contact a professional to ensure the project is completed properly, and that your flooring will be covered under any included warranties.